Top Of The Week

Is Hot Shot Trucking Worth It?

The trucking industry is one of the most profitable and lucrative industries in the United States. In fact, road...

How Much Money Can You Make with a Hot Shot Trucking Business?

Are you considering the benefits of trucking to determine if it's worth it? If so, you're in luck. Starting a trucking...

How to Start a Hot Shot Trucking Business

Are you looking to start a hot shot trucking business? Hot shot trucking is a growing industry that offers a great...

Can You Make Money Doing Hot Shot Trucking?

When done right, trucking can be a lucrative business. You can choose to become an owner-operator, which means you own...

How Much Does the Average Hot Shot Load Pay?

When it comes to transporting goods, hot shot loads are one of the most popular options. But how much does the average...

What Does it Mean to be a Hot Shot?

A hot shot is someone who is exceptionally talented and successful in their field, often with a bit of arrogance to boot. ...

Recent Posts

Trucking Hot Shots: A Guide to Becoming a Popular Driver

Trucking Hot Shots: A Guide to Becoming a Popular Driver

In the early days of the oil boom, high-demand trucks emerged as a solution to the problem of expensive downtime due to...

Top Of The Month

Recent Post

Hot Shot Trucking: The Future of Road Transport

IntroductionAs a seasoned trucking expert with years of experience in the industry, I have seen the evolution of...

What License Do You Need for Hot Shot Trucking?

The Most popular drivers need a basic class D driver's license to get started. This is the standard license that most...

What Size Truck is Needed for Hot Shot Trucking?

Hot shot trucking is a type of transportation service that involves the urgent delivery of goods. To be successful in...

How to Price a Hot Shot Load

When it comes to pricing a hot shot load, the cost per mile is determined by calculating the average price of fuel per...

Is Hot Shotting a Good Career Choice?

Hot shot truckers have the potential to earn higher wages than they would in a traditional transportation job. This is an ...

How Much Does It Cost to Start Hot Shot Trucking Business?

Are you looking to start a hot shot trucking business? If so, you may be wondering how much it will cost to get started....

What Does Hot Shot Trucking Pay? An Expert's Guide

The most popular drivers are paid per mile, and this amount of dollars and cents will depend on the value of the freight. ...

What is Hot Shot Trucking and How Can It Help You?

Hot cargo transportation is the process of transporting smaller quantities of cargo using a flatbed trailer and a...

Editors Picks

How Much Can You Earn as a Hot Shot Driver?

How Much Can You Earn as a Hot Shot Driver?

Road transport is a great way to get started in the trucking industry, and hot shot drivers are in high demand. Hot shot...

Where to Find the Best Hot Shot Trucking Loads

Where to Find the Best Hot Shot Trucking Loads

Are you looking for the best hot shot trucking loads? Hot shot trucking is a type of transportation that involves the...

Can You Make Money with Hot Shot Trucking?

Can You Make Money with Hot Shot Trucking?

Are you considering the benefits of hot shot trucking to determine if it's worth it? If so, you're in the right place....

How to Start a Hot Shot Trucking Business with No Money

How to Start a Hot Shot Trucking Business with No Money

If you're looking to start a trucking business with nomoney, you'll need to find a lender willing to finance your fleet...

How to Start a Hot Shot Trucking Business

How to Start a Hot Shot Trucking Business

Starting a hot shot trucking business is a great way to get into the trucking industry. It requires less capital than...

What is Hot Shot Trucking and How Does it Work?

What is Hot Shot Trucking and How Does it Work?

Hot shot trucking is a type of cargo transportation that involves delivering smaller packages in one place on short...